2 cups sugar

1 cup clear corn (Karo) syrup

½ cup water


1 (8 oz) bag raw peanuts

¼ tsp salt


1 tbsp baking soda (sifted)


Using a candy thermometer, cook sugar, corn syrup and water to 230 degrees (approximately 10 minutes).


Add salt and peanuts and stir constantly to 290 degrees (approximately 10 minutes).


Remove from heat and add baking soda.  Mix quickly, then pour as thinly as possible onto a buttered jelly roll pan.  Do not stretch and pull as the brittle cools.  This is a very porous brittle and stretching will disturb the air bubbles that make it porous.  The secret to light brittle is the amount of soda, cooking to these exact temperatures and not stretching the brittle as it cools.  Once it is cool, break into pieces and store in an air tight container.